Top Canadian Dividend Growth Stocks: The Complete List
Start your stock research with a list of Canadian dividend growth stocks that consistently grow their dividends.
Those that can grow their dividends through a recession or two have what it takes to stay consistent. This Canadian dividend stock list should be your starting point for building your portfolio.
As it happens, dividend investors will either focus on dividend income or on dividend growth and sometimes a blend but what is clear is that no dividend investor want to see their dividend drop. To that end, dividend growth and dividend safety is sought after.
Profit From Dividend Growth Stocks
If you have been following my dividend income journey, you know I have been heavily focused on dividend growth and often times, it means a low yield. With that said, it has served me well to grow my portfolio value close to one million dollars.
As you can see, my dividend income has also grown handsomely. It represents a yield of approximately 2.5% and as I get ready for retirement, I will be switching to dividend income and I should reach a yield of 4.5%. See my portfolio holdings for some nice tables.
What’s Your Favorite Dividend Stocks?
A question I often get is what I think of a stock or which stock do I recommend. The answer is simple for about 5 stocks but after that it all depends.
I have been trying to help other dividend investors find their ways in selecting a stock rather than picking one for them. At the end of the day, you need access to data. I am using a comprehensive Canadian dividend stock list as a screener with over 60 data points to filter and zone in on my next purchase.
The questions also bounce between a retiree looking for income now versus a young investor looking to build a long term portfolio. Both require a different strategy. I have shared what I think is a starter model portfolio and a retirement portfolio as guidelines.
Top Dividend Growth Stocks
Here is the complete Canadian dividend growth stock list you have been waiting for. These are all the large cap Canadian dividend stocks with at least 10 years of dividend growth.
Why 10 years? It implies the company has seen a recession and maintain their dividend growth. The list is initially sorted by the Chowder Score – see how I use it to build a supercharged portfolio!
A few points worth noting.
- Historical performance is not always representative of future performance.
- The banks held their dividend increases back in 2009 to better comply with the Basel III regulation.
- Dividend growth is mathematical and you can meet the requirement by increasing your dividend by 1 cent – not all of the stocks below are equal.
The dividend growth stock list is not a recommendation but rather a set of stocks that meet a certain filters. One of my filter is that the Canadian stock I am looking at must beat the S&P500 index. If it cannot, then I would rather invest in the S&P500 index ETF and it pays a distribution too.
If you want to go a step further, you can have a look at the best dividend growth stocks. Not only do they need to have a minimum of 10 years of dividend growth, they also need to have an average growth rate of 10% over the past 10 years.
As you can see, with a thorough set of data, you can screen stocks in many ways to fit your needs.
Published at Tue, 08 Mar 2022 06:00:00 -0800